Event rules and COVID Safe plan
- You must follow and abide by the Dynamic Running COVID Safe Plan (see below).
- You must check in online prior to the race.
- All spectators must be included on the competitor’s check in form.
- ‘You come, you race, you leave’. Do not congregate before or after the event. Wait in your car until a few minutes before your allocated start wave time.
- You must complete the marked course on foot under your own power.
- You must stay on the marked course. Short cuts are not permitted.
- Your race bib must always be visible on the front of your body.
- If you need First Aid help on the course you must attract the attention of another runner or go to the nearest drink station or to the finish line.
- If you withdraw from the event, report to the finish line and hand in your race bib. Please Do NOT leave without informing someone!
- If another competitor is in trouble, you must stop to help them.
- You must obey all directions of race officials.
- All competitors will be allowed to finish the race in their own time – within reason. Race officials can, and will, withdraw competitors from the course as required.
- Use of profanity or aggression towards race officials or other competitors will result in immediate disqualification from the event. If you have a problem with the event management, speak directly to the race directors, rather than the volunteer/marshal.
- Earphones must be used with extreme caution. You MUST be able to hear ALL instructions from course marshals, other path users and also need to listen out for anyone that may be in distress.
- No roads are closed for this event. DO NOT run on any roads or cross over any roads.
- Do Not Litter – Put your rubbish in the bins along the course.
- Pets/Dogs anywhere along the course are prohibited – this applies to competitors and volunteers.
- Kids in prams must be registered for the event. This is a free entry.
- Due to safety considerations no bikes, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades and animals (e.g. dogs) are allowed in the event.
- Competitors wanting to compete in a wheelchair apply to the race director no later than one month prior to the event.
- All decisions of the race directors are final. The race directors are the sole judges of fact, there is no right of appeal regarding any decision made by the race directors.
COVID Safe plan
‘You come, you race, you leave’
Personal and community responsibility of participants and coach:
Ensure you are following these principles in your daily life.
Encourage your family and friends to follow these principles in their daily life.
Take responsibility – it is only if the community work together that we will keep Queensland safe.
- Continue to do your running training from home on your own.
- Clean your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing or sneezing, dispose of tissues immediately after use and wash your hands for 20 seconds or apply hand sanitiser.
- Avoid touching your face, nose and mouth and shaking hands.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who is unwell. Try to stay 1.5 metres away from anyone coughing or sneezing.
- Stay home if you are unwell.
- You must take reasonable care for your own health and safety and the health and safety of others.
- You must co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure that relates to health or safety at activities organised by Dynamic Running.
Dynamic Running’s responsibilities
- Follow advice from health authorities on social distancing and public gatherings.
- Provide alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
- Promote good hygiene practices.
- Encourage participants who are sick with respiratory illness to stay home until they are recovered.
- Advise participants to seek immediate medical advice if they develop symptoms or are concerned about their health.
- If a club member/participant is confirmed to have COVID-19, call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for advice. Inform other participants in their group about possible exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19, but maintain confidentiality.
Conditions for participating in the event
- Follow all restrictions in place for current phase. Stage 3: maximum of 500 people, including competitors, volunteers and spectators.
- Stay at home if you are sick.
- Read the race rules and submit the signed waiver online.
- All spectators must also submit the signed waiver.
- Sign up to the COVIDSafe app (optional, see details below).
- Dynamic Running reserves the right to refuse any competitor, volunteer or spectator entry into Redlynch State College.
- If you received a PDF bib, you must print it out, otherwise collect your race bib from the table at the start line.
- Wear your race bib with the race number clearly visible on the front of your shirt/singlet.
- Do not congregate before or after the race – ‘You come, you race, you leave’.
- Arrive a few minutes before your scheduled start wave is due to set off.
- Follow strict 1.5m social distancing rules.
- Run two abreast or run in single file if someone is approaching from the front.
- Maintain social distancing when stationary e.g. at a water station.
- ALL participants are required to ensure we follow the rules. Be very conscious and mindful of public perception.
- Everyone involved must abide by the Dynamic Running Code of Conduct outlined below.
COVIDSafe app
The Commonwealth Government’s COVIDSafe app may assist in contact tracing. We encourage you to review the information regarding the COVIDSafe app, including FAQs.
Dynamic Running Code of Conduct:
- The responsibility of members for the welfare, health and safety of the other members shall at all times take precedence.
- Members shall act with honesty and integrity.
- A member shall not make disparaging remarks or unwarranted comments about other members, verbally or in writing (including on social media, email etc.). Comments made at any properly constituted meeting of the Association shall be privileged.
- Members shall give evidence, express opinions or make statements in an objective and truthful manner and on the basis of adequate knowledge.
- Members shall continue the development of their knowledge, skills and expertise and actively assist and encourage other members to do likewise. Members shall apply their knowledge, skills and expertise for the benefit of all members.
- Members shall at all times, consider a person’s merit and standing over and above other characteristics, such as age, gender, race, religious belief, sexual preference, cultural or ethnic background, and shall encourage such behaviour in other members.
Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the event director’s discretion and are final.